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21 nov. 2014


If you don't remember  the days, the months and the seasons, click here and practise.

To tell the date, you need ordinal numbers.
What is an ordinal number? Well, an ordinal number shows the order. 
For example January is the first (le premier) month of the year and February is the second (le deuxième) month of the year. March is the third (le troisième) month of the year and April is the fourth ( le quatrième)... 
Play this game about the months of the year and ordinal numbers. Click on the picture.

Now, listen and repeat these ordinal numbers.

1- Match the numbers.
2- Find the numbers.
3- Type the ordinal numbers as fast as you can! 

The year: Comment dire une année? Cliquez sur le lien et lisez les règles 1,2,3 puis faites les exercices:
How to tell a date.
1- Match the years (a).
2- Match the years (b).
3- Write the years. Ecrivez les années en toutes lettres.

Interactive book: un livre interactif pour faire le point (jours, mois, ordinaux, années). Click on the link.
What's the date?

The date: some exercises
1- Complete the dates.
2- Write the dates ( Respectez bien le modèle).

1 nov. 2014


Schools objects
1- Watch the video, listen, repeat and learn some words.
2-Now it's time to practise! (Thanks to Mr Cadio)
Exercise 1: Look, read and match. 
Exercise 2: Find the pairs.
Exercise 3: Listen and choose the right answer (écoute et choisis la bonne réponse).
Exercise 4: Listen and write.


School rules 
Somes rules (quelques règles à apprendre ou à réviser en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous et sans oublier de  faire toutes les rubriques.).
Classroom instructions

More exercises (encore plus d'exercices):
Exercise 1a) : Crosswords (mots croisés).
Exercise 1b): Crosswords (plus difficile).
Exercise 2: Match!

Exercise 3: Put the words in the right order. Cliquez sur la double flèche à côté de INDEX pour changer de phrase.
Exercise 4: Complete (complète avec in -2 fois, on,at, to).
Exercise 5: Listen and match.
Exercise 6: Dictation (écoute et écris les phrases).
Thanks to Mr Cadio for the exercises.