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4e LV1

Let's have breakfast!
Time to practice:
A very easy exercise about food and quantifiers. Go!



a-A book to learn and practise:   Book by Mrs Hacquet
b-Want more? Click on this link!  The simple past by S. Mound

WORK ON IRREGULAR VERBS  (click on the link in the PAGES section)

a-The rules:


b-Practise! BBC: choose the right answers

c- A video to explain it all:

How much do you know about the USA? Think and choose the right answers.
1- How many states are there? There are...49 states   50 states   51 states.
2- What is the longest  river?    It's the...Mississippi  Potomac    Tennessee.
3- What is the capital city?        The capital is ... Boston   New York   Washington D.C.
4- When did the USA become independent? It became independent on ...July 5th, 1775   July 4th, 1776   July 6th, 1777.
5- Who was the first president? It was... Abraham Lincoln    Thomas Jefferson    George Washington.
6- Who is the president? It’s... Joe Biden   Hillary Clinton   Barack Obama
7- Where does the president live and work? He lives and works in the... With House  Wit House   White House.
8- What do the stars represent?  They represent... the first colonies  the first cities  the states.
9- What do the stripes (bandes) represent?  They represent... the first colonies  the first cities  the states.
10- What’s the name of the flag? It's called the... Federal Stars    Stars of Liberty    Stars and Stripes.
11- How many inhabitants are there? There are...  216 million, 316 million416 million.
12-How big is the USA?  It is... 14 times    24 times   40 times bigger than France.
13- What is the difference between Washington DC, and Washington?
Washington D.C.  is... a city   a distrcit  a state, but Washington is... a city    a district   a state  in the North of the country. 

Keep it in English in the Classroom

1- Help! I need help! Que dire dans les situations suivantes?

Listen to the audio file, read the script p.123 (book) and match what the pupil says with the right illustration. Ecoutez le fichier, lisez le script p.123 du livre et associez ce que dit l'élève à l'illustration qui convient

2- Learn and practise.
Ces pages d'activités vous permettront de réviser ou d'apprendre des phrases utiles lors du cours d'anglais.
a) Enjoy book1 situations 1 and 2
b) More sentences and useful classroom vocabulary. Click on the picture below (cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous).

Many thanks to  Collège du Vivarais and Yvan Baptiste for these activities.