A very useful site by S Mound: The simple past. Choisissez les activités proposées en fonction de votre niveau.
More exercises:
1- The verb BE: a) Choose the right answer.
b) Put the sentences in the negative form.
c) Put the sentences in the interrogative form.
2- a) Complete with verbs in the past.
b) Same exercise.
3- Put the sentences in the negative form.
4- Put the sentences in the affirmative form.
5- Put the words in the right order. Cliquez sur la double flèche à côté de l'index pour continuer l'exercice. Terminez par l'exercice 'Match each question to its answer.'
6- Listen and complete. Ecoutez et complétez les textes.
Pronunciation: [ED]
2- Oxford English quiz.
An interactive book by Mrs Haquet to recap.Un livre interactif pour récapituler.Click on the book.